Ascot Music Micro School

Ascot Music Micro School
for children aged 8-11 years old
Join our Year 3 Class in January 2025!

An independent education provision designed to help children develop their unique strengths and interests.

Ascot Music Micro School

Why Ascot Music Micro School?

"When in May 2024, my husband and I have found ourselves home educating our son, we embarked on a brand new journey, the home education journey.

We have found some great resources and a fantastic new community which has been incredibly supportive and encouraging.

But more importantly we saw how our child was thriving, keen to learn and explore, how his interests have developed, how he started forging  and building new relationships and how he developed the skills to pursuit his natural curiosity for learning and for finding his unique place in the world.

We are inviting a small group of families and their children to join us on this non conventional, but so right for us, journey of  helping the children grow and learn together to become happy, healthy and thriving members of the community, good citizens for their own and for future generations.

Inspired by the legacy of democratic schools, Ascot Music Micro School is an independent, home from home, democratic micro school giving children a voice in the matters of their unique interests, passions and personal development.

Magdalena Gabriah, Founder and Owner of Ascot Music School

Is Ascot Music Micro School a "School"?

According to the government definition, a school can be registered as an Independent School when 5 or more students attend it full time (18 hours per week or more) (source

As our Micro Music School is currently attended by less than 5 students attending full time, we are not yet in a position to register as an Independent School, but are certainly working on being able to do that in the future when our student numbers increase.

In the mean time we operate as a independent education provider with a plan in motion of becoming a registered Independent School in the near future.

What Sets Us Apart?

  • Well to start with, we are a music school, that means that we are run by a founder who attended a full time specialist primary music school, how it filled her life with a song and opportunities that are difficult to find elsewhere.

  • That is why Ascot Music School offers students daily music opportunities whether it is  as part of their 121 lessons, choir or ensembles.

  • We focus on our students being happy, feeling safe and heard as in our experience these are the building blocks of successful education.

  • We know children are most creative when they have the time to be creative which is why we offer frequent self directed learning opportunities instead of cramming our students' timetable with back to back lessons.

  • Our students don't really take homework home, all the work they need to do is done within the school day.

  • Benefitting from small numbers, our students have 121 Personal Learning Development based on their needs and interests.

  • Our school is run by an award winning executive coach, Magdalena Gabriah, and we believe that this is what helps our students realise their potential.

  • Our students have opportunities to develop their interests as part of their peer group as well as during independent study time.

  • But don't take our word for it- register to attend one of our Open Days and find out what sets up apart.

"To stimulate life, leaving it free, however, to unfold itself, that is the first duty of the educator."

Maria Montessori

Ascot Music Micro School

Join our Year 3 Class in January 2025

Ascot Music Micro School

We have a range of fantastic recourses to help your child thrive and

grow their  social, emotional and academic skills as well as their sense

of wellbeing and personal achievement.

Our aim is to provide a home from home learning environment and to

 tailor each student's learning plan to their individual strengths and

development opportunities.

Our Vision/Our Values

For our students to Be and Feel:

  • 1. Safe

  • 2. Happy

  • 3. Kind

  • 4.Confident

  • 5. Empowered

  • 6. Good Citizens

Academic Year 2024/2025- The Learning Plan


Each morning students participate in Literacy, Numeracy, Science and/or Music classes.

In the afternoons students have opportunities to develop their interests as part of their Self Directed Learning which may include 121 music lessons, project work with peers or individually.

Each student has an opportunity to create their own unique Individual Learning Plan with the help of their mentor.

The Self Directed Learning Opportunities include a mixture of:

  • Coaching
  • Art
  • Design and Technology
  • Computing
  • Being in Nature/Gardening
  • Leadership
  • Project Work (Cross Curricular Activities)
  • RE
  • Cookery/Healthy Eating
  • Enterprise

Fees (2024/2025)

£10,000 per term

£1000.00 Acceptance Deposit Fee

  • The fees cover all learning activities in a group size of max 4 students;
  • Music Lessons ( group and 2 x 30 minutes 121 per week)
  • Books and Learning resources;
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Tea;
  • Snacks;
  • Wrap around care


Extra Charges:

  • External Music Exams
  • School Trips etc.

Term Dates:

Term Dates

Terms of Service:
Terms of Service


Here is what you say about what we do!

Register Now

"I enjoyed learning to play guitar at Ascot Music School and learnt how to tune it. Also really liked learning to play Seven Nation Army and Perfect.

Mira (8yo)

1 months ago

"B. had a fantastic time! She especially loved the part about Taylor Swift. Now, she’s excited for next week. She told me she wants to learn piano and get involved in the arts. " Mrs Karina W.

Mrs Karina W

1 month ago

Join our Year 3 Class in January 2025

Booking Close 12.12.2024

Register for an Open Day
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